Helping Out A Fellow You Tuber & Random Thoughts On You Tube

Sorry for not posting anything yesterday, it was my birthday, & besides having the two pinheads I live with argue about the same old things, I had a good day. Called my brother, who I haven’t talk to in months and ate pizza, with cake and Mike’s hard Lemonade, (yum)


Anyway, to this post. First off, though I don’t usually promote you tubers, this guy has been one of my channel’s subscriber, so why not help him grow his channel. Like me, he games with a disability & believe me, the guy’s very good at gaming! Here is the situation. GamerOnWheelz, his tag, is trying to reach 1000 subscribers, which is his goal & below is a video & if I could ask to you to help by passing it on, I’m sure it’d help him.




Now to my channel. It has been decided that I WILL post my gameplay, (walkthroughs Multi-player) videos here, hoping to grow my fanbase as well.  Furthermore if a graphic artist reads this and wants to help me out, by making a art for my channel, I’d be grateful. Finally: I was asked why my videos aren’t monitized & it is because I’d have to fill so many minutes with commentary. With my speech slur, commentating is not an option.